Am descoperit unele bloguri datorita unor giveaway-uri pe care detinatoarele le-au organizat. Asa am descoperit o bloggerita, PoorCollege Student din SUA, pe blogul careia am gasit un review pozitiv pentru un ruj Golden Rose. Asa am aflat ca firma e una bulgareasca si detine si o filiala in SUA, unde produsele se pot comanda online. Va redau partea cea mai importanta din review:

 This lipstick is moisturizing at about the same level as Maybelline Color Sensational. It is very pigmented and as you can see lasts very well. I’d give it about 3 hrs before I need a touch up. During those hrs I never feel the need to apply balm or lick my lips. This is my favorite kind of lipstick formula, not too hydrating and not too dry, just a slightly more moist cream lipstick.

I really can’t think of anything else to say, I’m just really please with this lipstick.

N-am mai cumparat demult rujuri, iar cele de la firme precum Golden Rose si Ruby Rose au ramas la stadiul de primele pe care le-am avut, deoarece mi-am dorit altele mai bune, despre astea spune toata lumea ca sunt proaste. Poate ar trebui sa trec peste ideile preconcepute si sa ma uit mai atent la nuantele lor…

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